What Do You Have to Make on Avab to Be a Eod

Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Specialists (MOS 89D) are responsible for attacking, defeating, and exploiting unexploded ordnance.

These specialists are highly trained and perform a dangerous, technical job.

EOD Specialists are tactical and technical explosives experts, and is considered i of the virtually dangerous MOS in the Army.

Qualifications and Training

Soldiers who wish to enter into this MOS must volunteer for the position and be able to receive a Top Undercover clearance.

Recruits must have the ASVAB exam and receive a minimum score of 105 on the General Maintenance (GM) portion.

Soldiers will attend 10 weeks of Bones Gainsay Training.

Subsequently Bones Training, soldiers will attend 37 weeks of Advanced Individual Training (AIT).

AIT consists of two phases.

First, soldiers will receive basic EOD introduction and get through the flop arrange test.

Phase one is at Fort Lee, Virginia.

Soldiers must pass this test in the lxx-pound suit in guild to move onto phase 2.

Phase 2 volition be at Eglin AFB, FL, and consists of hands-on grooming.

Soldiers are screened upon arrival to grooming and will be re-certified approximately every iii years.

Skills that are helpful in this MOS include:

  • Effective communication
  • Power to work nether stress
  • Power to use computers
  • Organized
  • Interest in a job involving algebra, chemistry, trigonometry, geometry, and physics
  • Disquisitional thinking

Related Article –Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician: Career Details

What are the Task Tasks of an EOD Specialist?

Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal
A team of Army and Navy EOD technicians dispose of Rifles and Rifle rounds in Afghanistan. Epitome: wikimedia

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialists work with unexploded ordnance, improvised explosive devices, and weapons of mass devastation.

These specialists support Army missions in any area around the world.

The chief goal of an EOD specialist is to save lives and belongings from destruction.

These Specialists are required to be highly trained and qualified in order to work in this position.

Soldiers in this MOS are required to know:

  • EOD terms and definitions
  • Munition compositions
  • Explosive effects
  • Munition Identification

In a field setting, they can receive multiple calls, be required to effectively communicate with the person who spotted the target, and quickly locate/place the ordnance.

The position is fast-paced and requires soldiers to work cohesively with team members.

When working in a field setting or responding to a call, the specialist volition ensure the area is safety and work against the clock to consummate their task before the ordnance fires or the possibility of an ambush.

EOD Specialists piece of work with a variety of ordnance and weapon types.

They also work with both U.S. and foreign munitions.

Soldiers tin can work with ground ordnance, air ordnance, improvised explosive devices, biological/chemical weapons, and radiological/nuclear weapons.

When working with footing ordnance, soldiers will render safe and dispose of foreign projectiles, rockets, grenades or landmines.

Air ordnance requires soldiers to identify whatsoever aircraft hazards, properly remove hazards from shipping, and work with items such equally bombs or guided missiles.

Soldiers will detach device components of improvised explosive devices or IEDs.

When biological/chemical threats are possible, soldiers stress the importance of personal safety and decontamination when properly handling/disposing of the threat.

EOD specialists are required to understand dissimilar weapon designs and piece of work to search, locate, and triage Radiological/nuclear threats.

Sometimes, these threats are in civilian areas and must exist handled properly to avoid whatever threats to people or property around them.

They work with base electronics, arming systems, and firing systems.

These Specialists are required to destroy ammunition, explosives, and explosive devices.

This is done using special firing devices that allow destruction from a safe distance.

EOD Specialists behave reconnaissance using the right approach.

They will use different tools and equipment to complete reconnaissance too as disposal.

One of these tools is the apply of robotics.

These Specialists are required to fix, maintain, and use advanced robotics in various aspects of their job.

The robotics come in different sizes, shapes, take different functions, and can be used to safely search for and disarm ordnance.

Technology that is similar to civilian gaming engineering science is used to control the robots.

On some robot controllers, the controller is very similar to that of an Xbox controller.

Other tools include ordnance locators and remote-control tools.

They are too required to set up and maintain other tools, equipment, and any vehicles they use.

When identifying munitions, soldiers volition refer to the EOD Publication System.

At times, EOD Specialists are required to assist the United states Secret Service in protecting the U.S. President, Vice President, or strange dignitaries.

The Regular army video below provides more information on training and job functions of the EOD Specialist.

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What Does an EOD Specialist get Paid?

An EOD Specialist will get paid based on rank and time of service.

As specialist consummate preparation and ascension in rank, so will their pay.

The Specialist can expect to be paid around $xx,000 annually to start, with fluctuations during training.

Follow the table beneath to get an idea of Army base of operations pay.

Insignia Pay Grade Rank Abbreviation Minimum Monthly Pay
E-1 Private PVT $1,785
Eastward-ii Individual Second Course PV2 $ii,001
army e 3 insignia - pfc E-3 Individual First Class PFC $two,104
army e 4 insignia - specialist E-4 Specialist SPC $2,330
army e 4 insignia - corporal Eastward-4 Corporal CPL $2,330
E-five Sergeant SGT $two,542
e-6 Due east-6 Staff Sergeant SSG $2,775
East-7 Sergeant First Class SFC $3,208
army master sergeant icon Due east-8 Master Sergeant MSG $4,480
E-8 First Sergeant 1SG $4,480
E-ix Sergeant Major SGM $five,473
Eastward-ix Command Sergeant Major CSM $5,473
e 9 sergeant major of the army insignia Eastward-nine Sergeant Major of the Ground forces SMA $5,473

Base pay does not include bonuses, special pay, or benefits.


The Ground forces provides bonus opportunities as well equally special pay scenarios.

Currently, the EOD Specialist position is considered an in-demand position and has a $15,000 recruiting bonus for those who authorize.

In-need positions change based on Army needs.

Benefits in add-on to bonuses and special pay includes:

  • Paid Housing
  • Paid Nutrient
  • Tuition Assistance
  • Annual Military machine Clothing Allowance
  • Medical and Dental
  • Paid ill time
  • 30 days holiday a year
  • Low-cost life insurance

Job Reviews

Reviews of the actual position are positive.

Most reviews discuss the position as being both mentally and physically challenging.

Positive reviews discuss the changing daily tasks and the team temper.

Your prophylactic in this position relies on you working with your teammates seamlessly.

Negative reviews hash out the impact that a leader can have on your experience.

The review below provides insight into an average solar day equally an EOD specialist.

Image: Indeed

The reviews beneath provide more positive and negative aspects of the position.

Army MOS 89D
Image: Indeed

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Noncombatant Career Opportunities

Working as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist allows soldiers to proceeds experience with explosives, electronics, chancy materials, and safety regulations.

This job allows for soldiers to discover civilian work with government agencies or private businesses.

Related noncombatant jobs include Ordnance Handling Experts, Chancy Material Worker, Safety Specialist, Electronics Repairer, and Occupational Health Specialist.

Positions with civilian or government agencies as bomb-squad or tactical police teams are comparable to this position as well.

While in the Army, soldiers can piece of work towards several different credentials that assistance with Army promotions and civilian career opportunities.

Some of the credentials that are plant through the Army's Absurd program tin exist GI Bill funded and are nationally recognized credentials.

This programme also qualifies for the PAYS recruiting program, which guarantees a job interview with a Military friendly civilian employer.


" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/www.operationmilitarykids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Army-Explosive-Ordnance-Disposal-MOS-89D.png?fit=300%2C195&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/www.operationmilitarykids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Army-Explosive-Ordnance-Disposal-MOS-89D.png?fit=600%2C389&ssl=1" src="https://i0.wp.com/www.operationmilitarykids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Army-Explosive-Ordnance-Disposal-MOS-89D.png?resize=600%2C389&is-pending-load=1#038;ssl=1" alt="Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal MOS 89D" width="600" height="389" class="size-full wp-image-13715 no-lazyload" data-recalc-dims="1" data-lazy-src="https://i0.wp.com/www.operationmilitarykids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Army-Explosive-Ordnance-Disposal-MOS-89D.png?resize=600%2C389&is-pending-load=1#038;ssl=1" srcset="">
Ground forces EOD robot chosen, "i-Robot" pulls the wire on an IED. Robots are the safest manner for EOD specialist to arroyo a state of affairs. Prototype: wikimedia

Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Specialists (MOS 89D) assail, defeat, and exploit unexploded ordnance.

The specialists in this MOS are highly trained soldiers who use advanced robotics and a variety of other tools to identify and dispose of hazardous ordnance.

Soldiers in this field go through a strict selection procedure.

They must meet Top Secret clearance, pass all ASVAB testing, and all portions of Advanced Training.

Previous EOD Specialists recommend the position considering information technology allows them to call up critically and perform under pressure.

This position follows Army base pay and soldiers are provided with benefits.

Once out of the military, soldiers tin can notice civilian careers in condom, ordnance disposal, or electronics with private and government agencies.

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Army EOD Selection Procedure

Army In-Demand Jobs

Army MOS 89D Career Details

Regular army Absurd MOS 89D

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Zach B.

General FAQ

Is EOD Special Forces?

While Army EOD Specialists s may accompany and work with Special Forces from the Army or other branches, they are not classified as Special Forces.

How unsafe is Ground forces EOD?

Army EOD may be the about unsafe job in the Army. EOD specialists are utilized yr-round in multiple locations, ofttimes assistant noncombatant authorities defuse explosives around the world.

How much does Army EOD get paid?

Army pay for an EOD specialist is based on rank and fourth dimension in service. All the same, the Regular army offers pays them Demolition and Special Duty pay, and offers reenlistment bonuses up to $81,000 for this career field.

How long is Army EOD training?

After Basic, grooming to get an Army EOD (MOS 89D) is held in ii phases: start, at Fort Lee, VA, secondly at Eglin AFB, FL, for a total of 37 weeks.

How practise you qualify for Army EOD (MOS 89D)?

Ground forces EOD is strictly a voluntary position. Y'all must also obtain a Top Secret clearance and score 105 or amend on the General Maintenance portion of the Armed forces Vocational Aptitude Bombardment (ASVAB).

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Source: https://www.operationmilitarykids.org/army-explosive-ordnance-disposal-eod-mos-89d/

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